Sunday, March 4, 2012

Etiquette Quizzes

Hello Class!  How much do you know about the etiquette in countries around the world?  Take the quizzes below and find out!  What did you learn that is interesting to you?

1. Dining Etiquette:

2. Business Card Etiquette:

3.  General Etiquette

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Innocence Project Videos

Hello Class!  Below are three YouTube videos from (innocent) people who were helped by the Innocence Project.  View any or all of them.  How do the people feel about being put in prison wrongly?  What other thoughts do you have on these?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nature Scenes

Hello Class!  Look at the natural scenes below.  Choose one that you like.  Why do you like it?  Describe what you see.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mechanical Engineer Resume

Hello Engineering students!  Below is a link to a resume from a man who is a mechanical engineer.  What information do you see on the resume?  What skills does he have?  Do you like how the resume looks?

Computer Science Jobs Video

Hello Computer Science students!  Please watch the YouTube video below.  It talks about the future for computer science jobs.  What do you think?

Mohammed Al Aqeel - Famous Saudi Business Man

Hello Class!  For the Business students in the class read the article below.  What do you think about Mr. Al-Aqeel?  Is he a good role model for Business students in Saudi Arabia?  Why?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome to KFU Spring 2012 English Class!

Welcome to the new semester!  We will cover the NorthStar blue book in this class.  This blog can help you with your English skills in many ways:

1.  You can comment on any post made by me or another student.  You can also add links for any website that other students may find helpful.  I will try to add a post each day to give you something to think and write about.
2.  You can use it to check information about the course - syllabus, rubrics and calendar.
3.  You can look at the links to useful sites about English to help you with grammar, listening, reading or pronunciation.
4.  You can learn more about topics we've discussed in class or add a post to write more about it.
5.  You can learn about common mistakes made in English.
6.  You can learn about common errors made on quizzes.
7.  You can post a photo and talk about it with classmates.
8.  Sometimes an extra homework assignment will be given through the blog.

And so on.  There are many things that we can do with this blog.  We are only limited by our imagination.  Adding comments and making posts is also a great way to gain a higher Class Participation grade in the course.  Enjoy posting and reading what your classmates write!